
This is the principal centre in the region where there are  small roadside shops and bottle stores, and a couple of smart new malls with banks and supermarkets. This is the second largest town in this populous region and fairly well provisioned. The only tourist attraction is the informative and well-presented Nakambale Museum at Olukonda, signposted off the B1 before you reach town. The makalani palm trees have survived in the harsh landscape, perhaps because of their inefficiency as firewood, and offer attractive silhouettes at sunset, the mopane having long since been cut down for firewood, and offer attractive silhouettes at sunset. For a few weeks after heavy rains, the oshanas fill with water and pale pink and while lilies miraculously appear; you may also see the cone-shaped fishing baskets in use.
Phone code: 065. Police: 10111.


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